Radiant Soul Retreat: Awakening the Light Within

Sale Price:$225.00 Original Price:$250.00

Saturday, October 5, 2024
Sky Pond Retreat, Apex, NC


Saturday, October 5, 2024
Sky Pond Retreat, Apex, NC

Saturday, October 5, 2024
Sky Pond Retreat, Apex, NC

Dear Beloveds,

You are radiant. You are Light. Can you feel the calling back to yourself? Journey with us into the Heart of your Being.

The Radiant Soul Retreat is a restful and introspective journey inward through the five koshas, the subtle bodies of the human energetic system. Curated to revitalize the sacred relationship with your Inner Self, this full-day retreat at the beautiful Sky Pond Retreat employs the healing arts of reiki, sound, yoga, meditation, and silence, as well as the serenity of nature, to venture deep into the peace and radiance that exist within the core of You.

We commence our day with a welcoming celebration, featuring a ceremonial smudging with sacred herbs and resins to purify our space, our minds, our hearts, and switch into a state of meditative ease and relaxation. After greetings and introductions, we begin our journey inward with the outermost kosha: the physical body. Honoring this outer layer of Self, we use our senses to become fully alive in our surroundings, feeling our lungs fill with lush and fragrant Fall air, squishing our toes through soft moss in a meditative walk along the pond, taking in the visceral wonders of Nature, and listening to the calming songs of wildlife. We invite awareness to saturate our bodies as we move through gentle yogic poses designed to balance, align, and connect to our breath and to the free-flowing second kosha of prana, the life force energy that flows in and around us.

Breaking for a wholesome lunch and inviting our senses to experience the taste and nourishment of sustenance, we begin to deepen through the subtle bodies into the layer of mind, using breath work and guided imagery to notice and quiet our thoughts. We then move into a nourishing sound bath composed to drop us into the fourth kosha of inner wisdom, escorting us into resonance with our own Radiant Souls, where we find shelter and respite, rest and inner healing. As we gently taper off into quietness, we reach the innermost subtle body: spaciousness, the layer of bliss and oneness with All That Is. Here we welcome a two-hour period of silence, introspection and peace, filling the space beyond words with our own unique experience and whatever is most needed in our journey.

In full circle style, we end the way we began: together in community for blessings, shares, and ceremony. This intentional and soul-filled retreat will align you back to what is most important in your life, to who you truly are, and what is most nourishing for your whole being.

Our 8-Hour Day Includes:

-Ceremonial Smudging and Soul Welcoming

-Forest Bathing and Walking Meditation

-1 hour Gentle Flow Yoga Session

-Healthy and Delicious Catered Lunch

-Breathwork and Guided Meditation

-1 hour Restorative Sound Bath

-2 hours of Silent Renewal

-Sacred Community Vibes

-Take Homes to bring your unique journey home with you

Your Soul-Centered Hosts:

Sarah Myles
Reiki Master | Sound Healer | Owner of Alewah Sound

Sarah Myles is an ICRT-certified Reiki Master, ICRT-certified Karuna Reiki Master, certified Sound Healer through the Center of Light Institute, as well as a lifelong singer-songwriter and musician.  Sarah has a passion for helping people find peace and rediscover the radiant Light within themselves, using her unique compositions of background music, meditations, sound healing instruments, voice, and Reiki as paths that lead back to the infinite wisdom of the heart and Soul.  She practices Reiki and Sound Healing sessions for individuals and groups at Alewah Sound and is an ongoing student of advanced sound techniques and shamanic studies.

Miriam Anderson
Yoga Instructor | Owner of Sky Pond

Miriam Anderson, E-RYT200, began to deepen her understanding of wellness through the modality of yoga in 2001.  An instant awakening and remembrance, yoga became the path of possibility where not only could she learn to change, but she could support others along their journey as well.  Inspired by this lifestyle, she and her husband Sean gave rise to Sky Pond to create and encourage access to Nature’s medicine.  Today Miriam is passionate about connecting individuals to a diverse world of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing; and to one another.

Your Soul-filled Destination: Sky Pond Retreat

Join us for this restful and immersive journey into your beautiful Light within. Come Find Peace!