Coming Full Circle
Blessings, Friends!
What an incredible few weeks it has been. I find myself reminiscing and celebrating and wanting to share that joy and passion with each of you. As I sit back and reflect, I want to share a bit of my history and how I came to my current offerings, including my shamanic drumming circles.
Looking Back
From 2017 to 2019 I worked with two beautiful Native American healers in a circle that we called the “Stars Healers.” I first met Dreamweaver, a member of the Saponi Tribe, at a Reiki Share hosted by our mutual Reiki Teacher. We quickly became friends and began exchanging Reiki sessions. A few months later, Dreamweaver introduced me to his friend Daystar, a member of the Lumbee Tribe and an absolutely phenomenal medium and dowser (I later went on the train with her). Together we hosted healing events every few months. It was one of the greatest honors of my entire life - to be welcomed and accepted into their culture. To be invited to participate in a powwow. To work alongside them. It opened my eyes to a different lifestyle- one lived in harmony with the elements, with the seasons, with the Earth, with one another.
In 2021 I received my sound healing training from a renowned shamanic sound healer and teacher, one who similarly recognizes and honors the inherent sacredness of all things. My teacher, Zacciah Blackburn, has become another one of my great mentors, and together these three amazing role models have inspired me to dig deep into the heart of who I am and what I have to offer those who are seeking connection, transformation, peace and healing in their lives. Alewah Sound continues to evolve to encompass practices that honor the sacredness, the interconnectedness that we have to all that exists in this vast universe. It continues to expand into practices of self-worth, empowerment, community, and transformation.
Looking Forward
Over the past month I have hosted three shamanic drumming circles, and each has been completely transformational. Community drumming has a way of allowing us to deepen into our experience without much effort at all. The container that we create together allows us to drop in deeper. It brings us into alignment with one another while also supporting our individual journey. In addition, when we incorporate the use of voice-mantras or freestyle chanting- we give emotion and stagnant energy a vessel to flow through. To release, to receive, to explore, to dance, to dream. At our Ceremonial Shamanic Drum Circle last Thursday night I was blessed to have such amazing participants who fully dove into the sound, who used their voice right along with me. I swear we moved mountains together. It was such a magical and unforgettable experience! At our Elemental Spirit Sound Journey session on Sunday, we had such a deep bond between our participants. We drummed together, we toned together. It was such a fateful gathering of likeminded people, and it is those types of connections that mean all the world to me. It is why I create these offerings.
Drumming & Direct Experience
Probably the greatest effect of drumming is its ability to connect us deeper into our intuition. For those who have trouble turning off the thinking mind, drumming is literally the practice that is all about the opposite- diving in and feeling rather than thinking. It is such a fantastic practice to help cultivate the muscle strength of perception, intuition, and direct experience. My three shamanic mentors have always insisted that the highest teachings come directly from Source. That the greatest truths are discovered by ourselves, through ourselves, through the guidance that comes directly from the God/Goddess/Source of our own understanding. Drumming makes room and gives us a means to practice receiving through direct experience. As we drum together, the heavens open. The veil is lifted. As we drum together, we commune together, and yet the experience and what we receive are entirely our own, born from our own relationship to ourselves and to Source.
Courage & Potential
If drumming feels outside of your comfort zone, I totally understand. But as I have told my clients, if it’s just a little bit outside, maybe give it a try. See how it feels. It might seem a little weird or silly or a bit woo woo at first, but honestly the sense of catharsis from releasing stagnant energy is so rejuvenating. These circles are safe spaces that are totally free from judgement. And there is no better place to try something new than around a loving and welcoming group of people!
Infinite Gratitude
As a creative being, I have had so much fun trying out new experiences to offer my clients and community. I absolutely love hosting sound baths, but I can now say that I equally love hosting drum circles for the amazing energies of transformation, empowerment, and community that they generate. I love sound healing with the utmost passion. Right alongside that, I love being of assistance however I can on this planet. For those who have followed me on this journey, who have attended my sessions, or have listened to my virtual sound offerings, I can’t thank you enough for being part of this growth and experience. I am here for you all!